Basic Page
Static Text and Images
A basic page is a page containing simple links, text and images. This page is static, meaning that the content on the page is
always the same.
There is an additional charge (amount depends on the complexity) if you would like a form on the page.
  Editable Page
  Editable pages are updateable by the customer once the website is complete. The main text of the page can be changed at any time.
  You simply enter your username and password, and you are taken to a form that allows you to edit the content of the page. You can also go back to previous versions of the page if you want. This type of page is great for listing news, events, or any other information that needs to be updated from time to time.
  Dynamic Page
  The data on dynamic pages is entirely, or mostly created on the fly. The data displayed can be based on the person viewing the site, information in a database, or many other variables.
  Dynamic pages are not editable by the user, but they can change every time they are viewed. Dynamic pages work great for displaying inventory, items in a shopping cart, or a specific users custom preferences. There may be additional coding behind the scenes for dynamic pages, so the cost may also include the hourly programming rate.
Hourly Rate
  Custom Coding Solutions
This hourly rate is for any programming that is needed in addition to the above prices. This can be database design, database population, custom programming, etc. We can provide you with a free quote before we start your project, so that you will know how many hours it will take to complete.

Fill out our contact form for more information.
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